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"translate3d(0,0,0)" : "", opacity: t.opacity, animation: s && f(t.opacity, t.trail, n, t.lines) + " " + 1 / t.speed + "s linear infinite" }), t.shadow && u(r, c(i("#000", "0 0 4px #000"), { top: "2px" })), u(e, u(r, i(t.color, "0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1)"))); return e }, opacity: function (e, t, n) { t < e.childNodes.length && (e.childNodes[t].style.opacity = n) } }), function () { function e(e, t) { return o("<" + e + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="spin-vml">', t) } var t = c(o("group"), { behavior: "url(#default#VML)" }); !l(t, "transform") && t.adj ? (a.addRule(".spin-vml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)"), v.prototype.lines = function (t, n) { function s() { return c(e("group", { coordsize: i + " " + i, coordorigin: -r + " " + -r }), { width: i, height: i }) } function l(t, i, o) { u(a, u(c(s(), { rotation: 360 / n.lines * t + "deg", left: ~ ~i }), u(c(e("roundrect", { arcsize: n.corners }), { width: r, height: n.width, left: n.radius, top: -n.width >> 1, filter: o }), e("fill", { color: n.color, opacity: n.opacity }), e("stroke", { opacity: 0 })))) } var r = n.length + n.width, i = 2 * r, o = -(n.width + n.length) * 2 + "px", a = c(s(), { position: "absolute", top: o, left: o }), f; if (n.shadow) for (f = 1; f <= n.lines; f++) l(f, -2, "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=2,makeshadow=1,shadowopacity=.3)"); for (f = 1; f <= n.lines; f++) l(f); return u(t, a) }, v.prototype.opacity = function (e, t, n, r) { var i = e.firstChild; r = r.shadow && r.lines || 0, i && t + r < i.childNodes.length && (i = i.childNodes[t + r], i = i && i.firstChild, i = i && i.firstChild, i && (i.opacity = n)) }) : s = l(t, "animation") } (), typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define(function () { return v }) : e.Spinner = v } (window, document); //TT.Core (function () { String.format = function () { var f = arguments[0]; for (var d = 0; d < arguments.length - 1; d++) { var e = new RegExp("\\{" + d + "\\}", "gm"); f = f.replace(e, arguments[d + 1]) } return f }; if (typeof String.prototype.trim !== "function") { String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") } } if (typeof console == "undefined") { this.console = { log: function () { } } } var b = this, c = Object.prototype; if (b.TT == undefined) { b.TT = {} } TT.ttGlobal = b; var a = true; for (i in { toString: 1 }) { a = null } if (a) { a = ["hasOwnProperty", "valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "constructor"] } TT.enumerables = a; TT.extend = function (g, f, l) { if (l) { TT.extend(g, l) } if (g && f && typeof f === "object") { var h, e, d; for (h in f) { g[h] = f[h] } if (a) { for (e = a.length; e - 1; ) { d = a[e]; if (f.hasOwnProperty(d)) { g[d] = f[d] } } } } return g }; TT.extendIf = function (e, d) { var f; if (e) { for (f in d) { if (e[f] === undefined) { e[f] = d[f] } } } return e }; TT.namespace = function () { var g = arguments.length, f, h, d, k, j, e; for (f = 0; f < g; f += 1) { h = arguments[f]; j = h.split("."); if (global.TT) { e = global[j[0]] = Object(global[j[0]]) } else { e = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0] } for (d = 1, k = j.length; d < k; d + 1) { e = e[j[d]] = Object(e[j[d]]) } } return e }; TT = $j.extend({}, { ns: TT.namespace, isEmpty: function (e, d) { return (e == null) || ((TT.isArray(e) && !e.length)) || (!d ? e === "" : false) }, isDate: function (d) { return c.toString.apply(d) === "[object Date]" }, isFunction: function (d) { return c.toString.apply(d) === "[object Function]" }, isString: function (d) { return typeof d === "string" }, isBoolean: function (d) { switch (d.toLowerCase()) { case "true": case "yes": case "1": return true; case "false": case "no": case "0": case null: return false; default: return false } }, SetEllipsis: function (d, g, f, e) { d.on("click", function () { g.toggleClass("ellipsis", ""); var h = g.hasClass("ellipsis") ? f ? f : "View more" : e ? e : "View less"; d.text(h) }) }, isNull: function (d) { return d != undefined }, toHtmlEncode: function (d) { return $j("
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JSON.stringify(i) : String(i)); } function c(i) { if (i.indexOf('"') === 0) { i = i.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, "\\"); } try { i = decodeURIComponent(i.replace(a, " ")); } catch (j) { return; } try { return b.json ? JSON.parse(i) : i; } catch (j) { } } function e(j, i) { var k = b.raw ? j : c(j); return f.isFunction(i) ? i(k) : k; } var b = f.cookie = function (q, p, v) { if (p !== undefined && !f.isFunction(p)) { v = f.extend({}, b.defaults, v); if (typeof v.expires === "number") { var r = v.expires, u = v.expires = new Date(); u.setDate(u.getDate() + r); } return (document.cookie = [d(q), "=", h(p), v.expires ? "; expires=" + v.expires.toUTCString() : "", v.path ? "; path=" + v.path : "", v.domain ? "; domain=" + v.domain : "", v.secure ? "; secure" : ""].join("")); } var w = q ? undefined : {}; var s = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : []; for (var o = 0, m = s.length; o < m; o++) { var n = s[o].split("="); var j = g(n.shift()); var k = n.join("="); if (q && q === j) { w = e(k, p); break; } if (!q && (k = e(k)) !== undefined) { w[j] = k; } } return w; }; b.defaults = {}; f.removeCookie = function (j, i) { if (f.cookie(j) === undefined) { return false; } f.cookie(j, "", f.extend({}, i, { expires: -1 })); return !f.cookie(j); }; })); //CountryDropdown/ (function ($j) { $j.fn.countryISDCodeDropdown = function (options) { var defaultOptions = { hypCountryCode: '#hypCountryCode', spnCountryName: '#spnCountryName', txtMobile: '#txtMobile', target: 'forum', onChange: function (countryName) { } }, opt = $j.extend({}, defaultOptions, options), $ctxObj = {}; this.each(function () { $ctxObj.hypCountryCode = $j(opt.hypCountryCode); $ctxObj.spnCountryName = $j(opt.spnCountryName); $ctxObj.txtMobile = $j(opt.txtMobile); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu = $j(this); var lastHotKey = 0; var iteration = false; var iterationCount = 1; var currentItem; function onDropDoownChange() { var countryCode = $j(this).attr('data-code'); var countryName = $j(this).attr('data-country'); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.hide(); $ctxObj.spnCountryName.html('+' + countryCode); $ctxObj.txtMobile.focus(); opt.onChange(countryName); } $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.show(); var menuHeight = $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li:first').show().height(); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.hide(); if (opt.target == 'loginpopup') { menuHeight = 24; } if (menuHeight === 0) { menuHeight = 23; } $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').on('hover', function () { $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').removeClass('selected'); }); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').on('focus', function () { $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').removeClass('selected'); }); $j(document).on('keydown', function (e) { if ($ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.is(':visible')) { var scrolLength = $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.scrollTop(); var keycode = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if (keycode == 40 || keycode == 38) { switch (keycode) { case 38: scrolLength = scrolLength - menuHeight; if (currentItem > 0) currentItem -= 1; break; case 40: scrolLength = scrolLength + menuHeight; if (currentItem < 191) currentItem += 1; break; } $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.scrollTop(scrolLength); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').removeClass('selected'); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li:eq(' + currentItem + ') a').addClass('selected').focus(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } } }); $j(document).keypress(function (event) { var $li; if ($ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.is(':visible')) { var searchkey = String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase(); var totalItems = 0; var isLastItem = false; $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').each(function (index, item) { if ($j(item).text()[0].toLowerCase() == searchkey) { totalItems += 1; } }); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').each(function (index, item) { if ($j(item).text()[0].toLowerCase() == searchkey) { if (lastHotKey == event.which) { iterationCount += 1; iteration = true; } else { iteration = false; iterationCount = 0; } if (!iteration) { $li = $j(this).parent(); lastHotKey = event.which; return false; } if (iteration) { if (iterationCount == (totalItems - 1)) { isLastItem = true; } $li = $j(this).parent(); lastHotKey = event.which; var lastItemIndex = $li.index(); var newIndexItem = lastItemIndex + iterationCount; $li = $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li:eq(' + newIndexItem + ')'); if (isLastItem) { iteration = false; iterationCount = 0; lastHotKey = 0; } return false; } } }); if ($li) { var height = menuHeight * $li.index(); currentItem = $li.index(); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.scrollTop(height); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').removeClass('selected'); $li.find('a').addClass('selected').focus(); } } }); $j(document).click(function (event) { if (!$j(event.target).closest($ctxObj.hypCountryCode).length) { $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.hide(); } }); $ctxObj.hypCountryCode.on('click focus', function () { var countryCode = $ctxObj.spnCountryName.html().replace('+', ''); $ctxObj.txtMobile.addClass('selectbdr'); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.show(); var $li = $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a[data-code="' + countryCode + '"]').parent(); currentItem = $li.index(); var height = menuHeight * $li.index(); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.find('ul li a').removeClass('selected'); $li.find('a').addClass('selected').focus(); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.scrollTop(height); }); $ctxObj.txtMobile.on('blur', function () { $ctxObj.txtMobile.removeClass('selectbdr'); }); $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.on('click', 'ul li a', onDropDoownChange); }); }; })($j); Ask.QuestionEmbeddedGab = function () { var $ctxObj = {}, opt = {}; var initEvents = function () { var countryOption = { txtMobile: '#txtRegMobile', hypCountryCode: '#hypCountryCode', spnCountryName: '#spnCountryName', target: 'loginpopup', onChange: function (country) { $ctxObj.countryName = country; } }; $ctxObj.dvCountryCodeMenu.countryISDCodeDropdown(countryOption); var friendCountryOption = { txtMobile: '#txtFriendMobile', hypCountryCode: '#hypFriendCountryCode', spnCountryName: '#spnFriendCountryName', target: 'loginpopup', onChange: function (country) { $ctxObj.friendCountryName = country; } }; $ctxObj.dvFriendCountryCodeMenu.countryISDCodeDropdown(friendCountryOption); $ctxObj.btnPostQuestion.off().on('click', function (e) { if (window.location.origin == baseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '') && $j.cookie(".ASPXAUTH") != null) { var questionSubmitDetail = { Description: $ctxObj.txtQuestion.val().trim().replace(/'/g, '`'), Category: $ctxObj.drpCategory.find('option:selected').text(), CategoryId: $ctxObj.drpCategory.val(), Source: document.referrer == "" ? window.location.href : document.referrer }; var urlSubmitQuestion = baseUrl + "Handler/BlogQuestionHandler.ashx?method=SubmitWidgetQuestion"; TT.ModalProgress.show(); corsAjax.post(urlSubmitQuestion, questionSubmitDetail, function (response) { if (response) { var message = response.ResponseMessage; TT.ModalProgress.hide(); if (response.IsError === false) { if (message) { showModalPopup(response.ResponseMessage, function () { $j('#divAuthentication').hide(); fillSecondStep(response.ResponseData); }); } else { showModalPopup('There is some problem while doing the requested operation. Please try once again. If you still face same problem please contact administrator'); } } else { showModalPopup(response.ResponseMessage); } } else { showModalPopup('There is some problem while doing the requested operation. Please try once again. If you still face same problem please contact administrator'); } }); } else { if ($ctxObj.drpCategory.prop('selectedIndex') == 0) { showModalPopup('Please choose category', function () { $ctxObj.drpCategory.focus(); }); return false; } if ($ctxObj.txtQuestion.val().trim() == '') { showModalPopup('Please enter question description', function () { $ctxObj.txtQuestion.focus(); }); return false; } $j('#divAuthentication').show(); $ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } }); $ctxObj.litab1.on('click', function () { $ctxObj.litab1.addClass('active'); $ctxObj.litab2.removeClass('active'); $ctxObj.tab1.show(); $ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.focus(); $ctxObj.tab2.hide(); }); $ctxObj.litab2.on('click', function () { $ctxObj.litab1.removeClass('active'); $ctxObj.litab2.addClass('active'); $ctxObj.tab2.show(); $ctxObj.txtRegName.focus(); $ctxObj.tab1.hide(); }); $ctxObj.txtCity.on('keyup', function () { $ctxObj.txtCity.val($ctxObj.txtCity.val().replace(/[^a-zA-z]$/, '')); }); $ctxObj.txtState.on('keyup', function () { $ctxObj.txtState.val($ctxObj.txtState.val().replace(/[^a-zA-z]$/, '')); }); $ctxObj.boxclose.on('click', function (e) { $j('#divAuthentication').hide(); e.preventDefault(); }); $ctxObj.btnLogin.off().on('click', function () { if ($ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.val().trim() == '') { showModalPopup('Please enter email id', function () { $ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.focus(); }); return false; } if ($ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.val() != '') { var lEmailInputString = /^\w[\w\.\_\-]*\w\@\w[\w\-\.]*\w\.[a-zA-z]{2,3}$/g; var lMatchArray = $ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.val().trim().match(lEmailInputString); if (lMatchArray == null) { showModalPopup("Please enter your valid email id.", function () { $ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.select().focus(); }); return false; } } if ($ctxObj.txtLoginPassword.val() == '') { showModalPopup('Please enter password', function () { $ctxObj.txtLoginPassword.focus(); }); return false; } var questionSubmitDetail = { Email: $ctxObj.txtLoginEmail.val().trim(), Password: $ctxObj.txtLoginPassword.val(), Description: $ctxObj.txtQuestion.val().trim().replace(/'/g, '`'), Category: $ctxObj.drpCategory.find('option:selected').text(), CategoryId: $ctxObj.drpCategory.val(), Source: document.referrer == "" ? window.location.href : document.referrer }; var urlSubmitQuestion = baseUrl + "Handler/BlogQuestionHandler.ashx?method=SubmitWidgetQuestion"; TT.ModalProgress.show(); corsAjax.post(urlSubmitQuestion, questionSubmitDetail, function (response) { if (response) { var message = response.ResponseMessage; TT.ModalProgress.hide(); if (response.IsError === false) { if (message) { if (window.location.origin == baseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '')) $j('#loginLogOut').empty().append('